Commercial Doors

Get Sturdy, Secure Garage Doors for Your Business

Get Sturdy, Secure Garage Doors for Your Business

Highland Door Company offers commercial garage door repair & installation services in Asheville, Hendersonville, Tryon, and Weaverville, NC

If you own a business, you most likely need large, sturdy garage doors for your garage. A strong door will give you peace of mind that your equipment is protected. Highland Door Company install commercial garage doors in Asheville, Hendersonville, Tryon, and Weaverville, NC. We travel the area providing commercial garage door repair and installation services. Our team can even install insulated doors for spaces that require temperature control.

Call us now at 828-388-0922 to speak with a member of our team about commercial garage doors. We'd be happy to answer your questions.

Serving local businesses of all kinds

No matter your line of work, we can install the garage doors you need. Our team has provided commercial garage door repair and installation services for:

  • Warehouses
  • Shipping businesses
  • Freight facilities

Ensure that your property is well-protected. Speak with us today about our commercial garage door repair services.